Home » How To Get Rid Of Allergies: Ways to Prevent It for Life
how to get rid of allergies

Allergies are very common among the masses. It is the children who get affected by it the most. Often the allergies seem to go away with age, but some stay lifelong. Allergy is one of the leading reasons for chronic illness all across the world. Its symptoms often interfere with one’s daily activities and hamper the quality of life. For this, it is essential to know how to get rid of allergies.

There are various forms of allergies, the most common being a seasonal allergy which affects people at large every year. Apart from this, some people are allergic to a particular food, dust, pet dander, etc. It gives rise to symptoms like runny nose, fever, endless sneezing and even itchy eyes and various other symptoms which vary from man to man. As such symptoms create unnecessary stress and hamper your concentration to perform your everyday activities, it is essential to know how to get rid of allergies.

But there is currently no definite cure for allergies. The ones affected with allergies are treated with medications and are asked to follow a definite lifestyle to minimise the symptoms. Following a systematic lifestyle helps to reduce the effects and the exposure to the allergen, which in turn helps to fight the reactions. The medications you will be prescribed will get you temporary relief as a permanent solution to the allergy is hard to find. But, there are various remedies following which you might balance and control the symptoms.

Let us discuss the causes and remedies of how to get rid of allergies.

What are the causes of allergies?

Allergy usually occurs when the immune system identifies harmless pollen as invaders. It is then the immune system overreacts by producing antibodies for the allergen. After this, the antibodies travel to the cells of our body and release a chemical called histamine which triggers an allergic reaction. However, the process the body undergoes is complex, and the symptoms the person experiences get termed as allergies. Thus, this is what causes allergies to us in our everyday lives.

How to get rid of allergies permanently?

Allergies do not have a permanent solution. But there are various treatments which might reduce the symptoms for good. Some of those treatments are as follows:

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1. Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy is a very effective way of fighting long-lasting allergic symptoms. It is a disease-modifying treatment which certainly does not cure your allergies. But, undergoing immunotherapy will help reduce one’s sensitivity and allergic responses to the allergens. Often immunotherapy is recommended for patients who are not in favour of taking medication, when their medication is not responding to the symptoms, or when the person cannot avoid the allergens.

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As per the survey, some patients are no longer sensitive and are not reacting to the allergens causing allergies after undergoing years of immunotherapy. Some allergy-affected patients need continuous immunotherapy to fight their symptoms. It is an effective process of how to get rid of allergies and is also available as an allergy shot.

2. Allergy shots

The allergy shots involve an increased dose of the allergen in the form of injection over a long period. By taking these injections, one becomes less reactive to the allergen and does not show any severe symptoms. These allergy shots help control allergic reactions to pollen, bees, dust mites, pet dander, moulds etc.


SLIT consists of multiple small doses of an allergen available in a drop or tablet form. The person can take it under their tongue to boost their tolerance of the allergen and lessen the severity of the symptoms. You will find these commercially for allergies to grass pollen, dust mites, ragweed etc.

4. OIT

The Peanut allergen powder called Palforzia is the only OIT which has the approval of the Food and Drug Administration, as it is a helpful tool for how to get rid of allergies. It is Palforzia which helps in the immediate lessening of allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis which is the accidental peanut allergy occurring in children aged 4-17 years.

What are the ways of preventing allergies?

Some of the preventive measures how to get rid of allergies are as follows:

1. Avoiding the allergen

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One of the simplest ways of getting rid of your allergy is by avoiding the allergen. But it is a challenging task. The ones sensitive to cat fur can choose some other animal to pet. But allergies like pollen and dust are hard to avoid. It is crucial to stay inside during high pollen levels in the air or wear a mask when outside.

2. Opting for allergy medication

An essential way of how to get rid of allergies is to opt for your allergy medication. Medications such as over-the-counter antihistamines, decongestants, corticosteroids, nasal sprays or even eye drops are crucial. Having these medications handy will help you fight the symptoms with ease.

3. The allergy shots

Allergy shots offer long-term relief for these chronic conditions. Also called immunotherapy, it helps in boosting your immune system and helps tackle the allergen as you become less reactive to the symptoms. These shots involve a mix or tiny bits of the allergen, which gets injected into your body for long periods to make you immune to them.

4. The natural remedies

One of the best ways of how to get rid of allergies is by starting with natural remedies. Remedies like consuming local honey regularly, using essential oils, and taking supplements of Vitamin C, butterbur etc., will help you easily prevent the symptoms.

Thus, allergies do not clearly come with a permanent cure. It is a chronic lifestyle condition, the reactions of which can be prevented by opting for multiple available remedies and medications. Following these, you too easily find how to get rid of allergies and discover a long-term solution suiting you.


1. Can allergies cause sore throat?

Yes. Allergies can sometimes cause a sore throat alongside other symptoms when in contact with an allergen.

2. Do we get itchy eyes due to allergies?

Yes, we do get itchy eyes due to allergies. There are various eye drops for allergies which help to soothe the eyes.

3. Can allergies cause fever?

Usually, allergies do not cause fever. But allergic symptoms often make us susceptible to various other bacterial and viral infections.